Cultural, Civic & Arts

Heartwood Preserve Pedestrian Bridge

A bridge in a park—A park in a bridge

The above statement captures the essence of the envisioned landscape at the Heartwood Preserve. An immersive environment, enriched by sensitively designed landscapes, and thoughtfully considered programming. A congruent link to the green spaces abutting Pacific Street, the pedestrian bridge would be an immersive environment linking green spaces with a park that is a bridge and bridge that is a park.

The bridge::park utilizes simple gestures to connect to the designed pathways and topography. Circulation provides for accessible entry and exit points. Bikers can speed through the bridge::park and not put the safety of inhabitants or walkers in jeopardy. The space in-between circulation routes is programmed with activities interlaced with vegetation, softscape and hardscape.

The experience on the bridge is intentionally dynamic, offering several programmatic possibilities. The approach from the north provides a graceful, accessible entrance to the bridge park. A dramatic cantilevered look-out projects into the tree canopy.

A continuous pathway from the Heartland Greenway gently rises in elevation for a graceful ascent. The adjacent area can be programmed as a playground or as shown, an earthen amphitheater.

The immersive bridge environment allows people to play, inhabit or circulate on the bridge. The wood skin transforms the experience—becoming more open from within the bridge::park.

Playful lighting dapples the bridge::park exterior, interacting with vehicles passing by—all powered by integrated photovoltaic panels.

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